Today's sermon was good. I was finding it hard to focus and completely understand the true message. I'm not sure if it was the devil preventing me from soaking in the lesson or what my malfunction was that kept me from concentrating on my time with God. It might have been the fact that we had a celebratory potluck for our high school graduate at church. It could have been a million other things, but it was bothersome for me. I don't like not understanding the "moral to the sermon".
So, without quite having grasped the sermon, I went to my devotional book, "Jesus Calling, Enjoying Peace in His Presence," By Sarah Young, grabbed my bible and scheduled some time with God. Below are the verses that I read for today:
John 4:24
God is Spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.
Isaiah 55:8-9
This plan of mine is not what you would work out, neither are my thoughts the same as yours! For just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than yours, and my thoughts than yours.
The message in the devotional elaborates with the following:
Trust Me enough to let Me guide you through this day, accomplishing My purpose in My timing. Subordinate your myriad plan to My Master Plan. I am sovereign over every aspect of your life.
The challenge continually before you is to trust Me and search for My way through each day. Do not blindly follow your habitual route, or you will miss what I have prepared for you.
Do you have days where you feel lost or "out of sorts"? Almost like you've walked down the wrong hiking path. Sometimes we feel like we have control of all situations we face each day, when in reality, we really never do. Many of us travel through life blindly following what we think seems to be the right route, refusing to merge our daily calendar with God's Master calendar for us. If we submit to His will, follow His word and His plan, each of us will see what He has prepared for us when the time is right. We can't even begin to imagine what could be in store for us. God has planned our every move down to the tiniest of thoughts or actions.
Are you searching for your way to the Father and don't know what steps to take? Do you feel like the answers you seek aren't attainable? I encourage you to take the time to think about what might happen if you never take that first step. What if you keep putting off listening to what God is telling you? It won't be a pleasant picture. God won't lead you astray. A good place to start searching is on your knees. Have a one-on-one conversation with Him. He's always listening and waiting to hear from you. If you don't know how to have a conversation with God, all it takes is just talking to him as if he were right there with you in person. It might seem awkward if you aren't one to talk aloud with no one in the room physically. It's okay. God is there; all the time. It doesn't matter what you say, what you ask or the tone in which you speak. God loves to hear from his children and will take all your burdens, anger, sadness and worries away if you let him. Won't you let him help you today? If you don't have a church home, I encourage you to begin a journey of finding a church that you feel at home and begin your personal journey with God.
As always, thank you for taking the time
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