Recipes from the Porch

Sunday Posts

Porch Swing Store (Coming Soon)

Everything & Nothing 4/8/19

Hello everyone! We had another beautiful Spring weekend. It was busy and relaxing at the same time. Saturday, the Sheriff and I enjoyed our first coffee on the porch this year before the sun became too harsh for us to see anything. It was so enjoyable to relax and listen to the creek flowing by while the birds ate and chattered at us. As luck would have it during the first part of Spring, when the weather is nice and beautiful, the Sheriff was called away. I continued to drink my coffee on the patio on the other side of the house and watch the dogs play and run about in the yard.  The Sheriff wasn't able to finish his coffee and relax on such a wonderful day because the "natives were restless" this morning. Ahhh, it never ends. But, alas, life goes on and the world still turns.

We had another "Pickin' & Grinnin'", but instead of it being on a Saturday night, we had it Sunday evening so those that only had that particular night off during the weekend could join in on playing. There was some amazing talent there and my hats off to all of them for the playing skill and talent. I felt I was surrounded by local music royalty. I was truly humbled with each song. Simply amazed!

So, that would be the reason my Sunday post was delayed again this week. Sunday's sermon was titled, The Man Who Had Two Things: Everything and Nothing.  So, what does that mean to you? He had everything. To me, that says it all, he had everything and wanted for nothing. He was wealthy, healthy and happy. All these wealthy reality shows we see advertised on TV where the people want for nothing, they flaunt their wealth like it's nothing and portray themselves as happy and care-free. Do you really think deep down these people are truly happy? I mean, really? When I was younger, I would always say, " I'd like to have millions and millions of dollars in my bank account. I'd be set. I could go where I want; do what I want when I want." Now that I know how reality really is, it isn't as simple as it is portrayed to the public. Bono, singer for U2, says it best in their song, I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For.

I have climbed the highest mountains

I have run through the fields
Only to be with you
Only to be with you
I have run I have crawled

I have scaled these city walls
These city walls
Only to be with you
But I still haven't found

What I'm looking for
But I still haven't found
What I'm looking for

You can have banks full of riches and gold and still feel like you're missing something. You can search high and low, but you will have a hard time finding it until you follow the word of God and obey Him. Having all the money and riches isn't all it's cracked up to be. For one thing, it's highly stressful to be in that position even if you have all the things in life you have ever dreamed of. Having a large amount of money changes a person. I never believed this statement until I saw it happen with my very own eyes. It does change the persona of a person if they don't stay true to the word of God. And, if you are happy, stress-free and don't feel as if you are still missing something in your life, more power to you because chances are, you have your priorities in the wrong order. Money before God instead of God before anything.

Don't let your riches become what you worship.

Your riches consume you and thoughts of what you can do, where you can go; it becomes your world and the people around you start to notice the change from within whether you see it or not.

But, here's a twist to having it all. What if someone you respected very much came up to you and said, "Give all your worldly possessions to the poor and follow me. I will offer you eternal life". Would you be able to give up your riches, material possessions you had acquired for life everlasting? Some would decline this offer. Greed for money  versus life everlasting; hard decision for many to make.

You cannot worship God and money.
He offers eternal life but he won't force you to follow him. 
That is a decision each one of us has to make on our own.

Mark 10:25 "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.”

Nothing is impossible with God.

As always, thank you for taking time out of your day to stop by my blog. If you enjoy reading my blogs, sign up to receive them by email. Also, feel free to leave comments at the bottom of the posts as well. I love to hear from my readers and will be happy to answer any questions or suggestions received. I'm also on Facebook and Instagram as well.

Thank you and have a Blessed day!

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